Unjustified Police Killings

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Abbeys example of how bad the police treated the peaceful protesters, “including jamming pepper spray-soaked Q-tips into the corners of the protesters’ eyes” (Abbey 81) she even stated that they continued to use pepper on them thus denying them their first amendment. Going back to the recent protesting about the murders of innocent black men the police looked like they were going to war when confronting it, they even used rubber bullets, tear gas, flash grenades, the use of pepper spray this is all similar to a point that Abby made. The hypocrisy of the police, because the police are domestic officers not army men going to war, Abbey concluded that the army isn't allowed to use the methods i previously mentioned in combat but our country's authority is? Hopefully they remember that protesting isn't a war zone until they make it out that way by killing unarmed citizens and getting away with because of the rest of the justice system. …show more content…
The article "The Grand Jury's Role in the Prosecution of Unjustified Police Killings -- Challenges and Solutions." by Roger Fairfax divides the roles of the justice system starting with the police to the role of the jury and their continuous failure of bringing justice to the families of the victims of police brutality. Moving on to the other reasons why we have what i believe is a crisis is the justice system, with Fairfax statement that the jury tend to refuse to indict the police when they are charged with murder of an unarmed individual. Which I believe, because it happened to so many victims recently that made headlines yet this hasn't changed and continues to cause the violent protesting all over the

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