Police Brutality Should Be Allowed To Use The Police Force

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This research paper is about police brutality and whether or not they should be allowed to use the force of a stun-gun, chokehold, and baton. It also discusses the topic on when enough is enough - concerning overkills and excessive choke holds. They have the power to get way with brutally murdering someone just because their job involves that. With that power comes great responsibility of knowing when and where to use what weapon and when not to use a weapon at all. These violent acts have been happening for years, yet they are just coming to the peoples eyes because of the media. The awareness has just grown and it is all seen in a negative way. It contains the discussion of whether what they do is self-defense or not.

When is enough, enough?
Throughout human history, there have always been people who abuse their power. It becomes a question of whether they are enforcing the law to help the people they are supposedly protecting, or enforcing the law to protect themselves. Police officers are allowed to kill people and get away with it, yet they arrest civilians who do the same as they do. The police brutality has
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Police officers are supposed to serve and protect the people of the United States, not be the ones who are killing the people. From serving and protecting comes the responsibility of controlling the weapons you have; police officers need to know when is it the right time to use which force at what time. If the media continues with these controversial stories about white cops killing black men, the American population will slowly start to go against each other. The awareness of these violent acts happening has become too involved. Even though they are police officers, they do not have the right and the power to be able to kill someone if they want to. It violates human rights and the safety of the people has become an

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