As if law enforcement officers didn't have a hard enough, now they have to deal with people rioting about the things they do “wrong”. For example, the first protest after a teenage boy was shot and killed after a police officer confronted him about a robbery, witnesses say that their was a struggle between the two and the officer proceeded to shot when he feared for his life. Social media began to post pictures of the “innocent boy” when in fact those pictures were outdated and didn’t show who he was at the time, also he had a criminal record including assault with intent. If people would abide by the laws and listen to what they are told, most of the time they will be treated with respect. People even began to say on social media that they were “going pig hunting”, thats just ignorant and they were planning on going to kill innocent policemen with families and friends. If they are complaining about how police officers are killing people what makes them any better by going out and killing innocent …show more content…
There is no respect for anyone that has authority in our society, people don’t want to follow the laws or told how to live their life. Our society is changing, people are wanting to legalize drugs and wanting to get rid of police officers. Police officers are a necessity, if we shut down all police forces then our world would be over run with drugs, and violence. The police are the line that protect us everyday from all different kinds of danger. If people would give authorities the respect they deserve this world would be a much better place for everyone. It’s as simple as not breaking the law and if you do, own up to it and don't make the situation any worse than it has to be by fighting with the