The DEA, however, do not agree and say marijuana has no proven medical…
“Government Knew of Marijuana’s Healing Properties for 30 Years” is an essay written by Jonathan Benson, detailing the conspiracy that is the federal government keeping marijuana away from the general public despite its numerous proven positive uses. Among the lists of medical uses it contains include assisting those diagnosed with HIV, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Cannabis also has been quietly patented by the government twice already for medical purposes, and is a fact Benson finds especially suspicious. If all the research claiming marijuana could be used for good is a lie, then why would the federal government try to have it for themselves? Benson argues that the reason is because THC isn’t in fact bad at all.…
The factor of allowing any use of marijuana has been greatly debated, especially over the last decade as society begins to grow. New attempts in research have been focused on the way Marijuana may be used, but is it really something that should become legal? Marijuana, a natural herb, is also used as a drug, which induces the user into a “high”, and it is illegal in many nations. Advancements in medicine during the last few years have been pushing towards finding medical usage for its purpose, for more and more people are becoming prone to side with cannabis legalization.…
Marijuana has gained a bad reputation since the war on drugs. During this time marijuana was being tagged as this terrible dangerous illicit drug. The truth is that marijuana has actually been found as an important medical plant that has a large amount of potential. In fact, Bryce Miller states that, “Nearly a quarter of the NFL’s teams now play in states where recreational use is legal. More than half of the states in the U.S. now allow medical use” (Miller).…
Since the discovery of the cannabis indica plant (marijuana), marijuana has been a topic of contrasting discussions. For decades, stakeholders of various organizations have been at conflict about legalizing marijuana. One stakeholder, Citizens Against Legalizing Marijuana (CALM), a local Political Action Committee (PAC), is destroying every act of legalizing marijuana with the use of their highly dedicated group of individuals. According to the mission of CALM, they “take the position that Federal laws against the use, cultivation, and transportation of marijuana should be maintained and enforced and should not be relaxed or softened.” (CALM Homepage)…
I. Thesis: Marijuana should be legal for both medical and recreational use in the United States because its benefits outweigh the drawbacks, it is natural and non-addictive, and it isn’t as harmful as products we commonly use. II. The benefits of using marijuana outweigh the drawbacks greatly. A. Used for pain relief, eating disorders, insomnia, and anxiety.…
For hundreds of years, marijuana has been used for medical and therapeutic purposes ... Their health benefits have been consistently demonstrated, however, the negative connotation that is still making this a great debate. Resorting to the use of marijuana to combat certain medical conditions is an issue that divides…
Marijuana has been an increasingly controversial topic in America for years, playing a central role in American culture and countercultures. Although polls suggest that there is not a large gap between those who believe it should be legalized or kept illegal, the majority believes that it should remain illegal (Milligan, 2014). This opinion is reinforced by the media’s stereotypical portrayal of a marijuana consumer, commonly referred to as a “pothead” and depicted as unmotivated in such propaganda. This perspective is typically found among the older generations, however, as science and politics are now revealing the pros of marijuana legalization, the younger generations are getting behind the movement to legalize marijuana (Milligan, 2014).…
According to reports, the first federal cannabis case in Oregon since 2011 targets a local teenager. Federal data indicates prosecutors charged 2,349 people with marijuana possession in the United States. Nineteen year old Devontre Thomas can now be counted among the many still facing life long consequences for consuming a miracle plant.…
Marijuana or Cannabis have been said to help patients with cancer, post-traumatic stress syndrome, chronic pain and other chronic ailments. “Cannabidiol (CBD) — which seems to impact the brain without a high— and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — which has pain relieving (and other) properties” (Business Insider, 2016), are the two chemicals in marijuana that supports its medicinal value. According to the topic text “Sending the Wrong Message,” nearly 3 out 4 Americans are in favor of legalizing marijuana for medical purposes, and that California is also trying to pass an initiative that will also legalize its recreational use (p.765). Proponents of the legalization of marijuana also believe that crime rate will fall if marijuana is legally available as well as boost the local economy due to sales and possible taxation on the…
Millions of people around the United States would desire for marijuana to be legalized, because they want to use it for recreational use, and in other cases doctors use it for medical purposes. Marijuana has been proven to prevent cancer, and other diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. The national cancer institute has announced that marijuana kills cancer cells, and reduces tumor growth. The United States should legalize marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. Marijuana has documentation of first being used in 2737 B.C. to achieve euphoria, and it has been legal in only a few states, because of medical purposes.…
For years the government has lead the American people to believe that the plant is unhealthy and have instilled the idea that marijuana is just as bad as any drug you can find on the streets. Recent studies have since found that it is not the harmful drug that we once believed it to be. Researchers have found evidence that the use of marijuana helps Glaucoma by reducing eye pressure, helps with nausea in cancer patients, prevent epileptic seizures, and even alleviate muscle…
Marijuana should be legalized in the United States on a federal level for all purposes. Regulating marijuana as a crop would help maintain the environment. Economically, marijuana would help to boost revenue in the U.S. Marijuana also has numerous successful uses in the medical community. The United States has yet to legalize Marijuana, and this holds back the potential growth and protection of the environment that marijuana cultivation should offer.…
Thesis Statement: Medical marijuana has many medical benefits warranting its legalization, which include eliminating visual haloes produced by glaucoma, controlling intraocular pressure, cough suppression, as well as the treatment of asthma, depression, pain, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, peripheral neuropathy and muscle spasticity in conditions such as multiple sclerosis. AIDS, and cancer. I. Background Information- Cannabis sativa, or marijuana as we have come know, has been around for five millennia and used medically throughout the world to treat many medical ailments, which include pain, whooping cough, asthma and anxiety. A.…
To date, the topic of Legalizing Marijuana has been an ongoing issue in society for a long time. However, people still do not know whether marijuana is good for the health or if it simply causes negative effects to the human body. Some believe that using Marijuana will embed side effects to people having red, blurry and bloodshot eyes, slow reaction time, addiction and a lot more. While because of its therapeutic nature, marijuana has on the other hand, been perceived to be beneficial to the treatment of several conditions including: cancer, stimulation of appetite, glaucoma, epilepsy to stop convulsions, and multiple sclerosis to decrease muscle spasms. All of these factors contribute the issue of whether or not the legalization of marijuana…