For every action there is a reaction, the decision to legitimize or repudiate the use of cannabis goes beyond ethical opinion. When weighing the data provided, could the use of cannabis become more detrimental or become an aiding factor into society? Just like everything else that had its time in prohibition, could there be more uses of cannabis than thought to be? Might it be possible to provide and instruct the use to the masses in order to ensure safety throughout the environment? The factor of allowing any use of marijuana has been greatly debated, especially over the last decade as society begins to grow. New attempts in research have been focused on the way Marijuana may be used, but is it really something that should become legal?
Marijuana, a natural herb, is also used as a drug, which induces the user into a “high”, and it is illegal in many nations. Advancements in medicine during the last few years have been pushing towards finding medical usage for its purpose, for more and more people are becoming prone to side with cannabis legalization. The use of medical marijuana “refers to using the whole unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts …show more content…
At the end of the day, the use of cannabis byproducts will be utilized in the future, either changing the way we seek medical help or, just for fun. The benefits outweigh the negative effects it may have. Most do not agree with the usage of Marijuana because, it can often be associated with a disgusting smoking habit but, with proper education, just like dealing with alcohol and tobacco, moderation is key. As long as there are guidelines and restrictions, it can prove to be a valuable asset and even help in pulling America out of its economic slump. Just looking at the effect it has had on states like Colorado, it proves to be an ideal way to go. More jobs, revenue and, lower crime rate are some things everyone may find