Marijuana has documentation of first being used in 2737 B.C. to achieve euphoria, and it has been legal in only a few states, because of medical purposes. Marijuana has helped research on how to prevent cancer by freezing the cancer cells, and stunning and possibly removing growth there of the cells. The national cancer institution has declared that marijuana has been very helpful to patients as far as pain and lung illness. Marijuana has a …show more content…
The desire that makes people so in a urge to get this drug is because the government keeps it from being legalized, so that makes them find a way to buy from someone else who has marijuana. I’m not saying that marijuana should be legalized for everyone, I think it should only be legalized for people older than 18. Imagine seeing your kid under the age of 18, or even older than that smoking, how would that make you feel? This drug is not good for your physical or mental health. It might be good in some occasions which leads me to believe that they should be used for the medical use of the drug and not so much on the recreational side of things. I have had no experience with these types of drugs, so I do not know how it feels, but in my opinion I would not try any of these drugs, because it would be bad for my health, although there are no short term side effects , I know there are long term issues that will rise ; emotionally and