This source was somewhat helpful to me. It helped shape the argument of building structure because it provided supporting evidence about the structure of the Twin Towers, along with what the architect wanted to achieve when he designed the towers. It has not had an impact on my opinion of the topic.
Chossudovsky’s article summarized a variety of things. It talks about the ways that the government changed and improved its system after 9/11. The article also provides a large amount of information about airport security before the attacks, and the improvements made after the attacks. This source was extremely helpful to me. It helped develop two arguments, the one about airport security and the one about government security. The article provided all information used to support the argument about airport security. It helped to shape the argument about government security because it talked about the improvements made to ensure the safety of North America. The information in this article has changed my personal opinion about the topic because I learned how airports became a lot more secure after 9/11, which is something that I was not previously aware of. Corona’s book provides detailed information about design, construction, unique architectural features, and maintenance of the Twin Towers. There are a variety of photographs of the towers, along with quotes from primary and secondary sources which talk about the issues that had to be overcome in order to build the towers. The book also explains how architects were able to take the failures of the Twin Towers’ design in order to make improvements to modern buildings. As well, there are sidebars which provide biographical information about major …show more content…
The author provides quotations from citizens who were affected by the attacks, and information about how 9/11 affected people’s personal sense of security. The article also analyzes how official intelligence agencies had faulty security systems which allowed the terrorists to get away with what they had done.
Gibbs’ article was useful for this research paper, mainly to help shape the argument about government security. The information in the article helped to prove the ineffectiveness of government security before 9/11, which allows the reader of the paper to see how much it has improved since then. The source has changed my personal opinion about how good government security is. I learned how safe the continent is now due to the improvements that were made after the attacks.
Stewart’s book provides an excellent variety of information pertaining to the Twin Towers and 9/11. It gives a complete, detailed summary of the 9/11 attacks. There are many quotations from citizens who were affected, government officials, and news reporters. The whole aftermath of the terrorist attacks is overviewed, including government investigations, new security measures that were put in, the prejudices against Muslims and Middle Easterners, and the overall effect on North American