So many of our first responders, firefighters and just innocent civilians died that day. It made people think about how they could help our country and a lot of people decided to become our new first responders, firefighters, cops, and join the military to honor those who died. Everyone who passed on 9/11 will always be remembered and never forgotten. There are many 9/11 memorials throughout the United States. The three main 9/11 memorials are in New York City, the field in Pennsylvania, and The Pentagon to honor everyone who died that day at each of these places. They have all of the firefighters and police officers names written on the walls of the building they worked as well. The increase in patriotism after 9/11 is a great thing. We can never have too many people wanting to help, protect, and serve our …show more content…
This will make me have more appreciation for 9/11, and our country as a whole. I am starting realize this attack was much more than a plane crash. 9/11 was a day of sadness, disbelief, horrific, upsetting day for everyone in America. It was an emotional day that we will never forget, because plenty of good came from this attack. I only named three topics but there is plenty you can pick from. Because of this day we have better security, more armed forces, and a stronger country. The quote “ There is always strength in numbers. The more individuals or organizations that you can rally to your cause, the better. “ this quote is by Mark Shields it tells you that our country had so many people engaged with 9/11 that we overcame