437). The framework makes clear the need for the advanced practitioner nurses to move beyond a technical practice, and demand to focus in a humanistic care. Gaining an understanding in human being is essential for patient, family, and community-centered care practice. Building and nurturing a patient, family, and community involves recognizing the value of learning, respecting the person and the culture of who is involve in the process. “The emphasis of the healthcare provider’s role in intercultural health service is no longer a paternalistic health expert but rather an ally” (Arnold & Bruce, 2013, p. 298).
Nursing Situation Mrs. D, a person I cared for in Intensive Care Unit newly diagnosed of cancer, probably …show more content…
Such approach includes the understanding the complexity of the human being, their culture, belief, and personal experiences. Through the study of the domains of nursing metaparadigm: person, health, environment, nursing, and research, the Family Nurse Practitioner theory-driven practice focused in the well-being and embody nursing knowledge. The concept of teach add to the framework an important relevance to nursing. Nursing has long considered individual education a major component in the standard of care. The unitary caring paradigm emphasizes the growing need for more individualized care, considering each situation is different and should be addressed differently. And at last, the framework of Leininger with her cultural care diversity and universality grand theory and Swanson’s theory of caring with the five processes: knowing, being with, doing for, enabling, and maintain belief. Conceptual models guide the practice to provide ultimately quality of care for patient, family, and community. To deliver and maintain high quality care in individuals and