Transcultural nursing is the study and practice focused on cultural care, behaviour in health, illness influenced by values and beliefs of individuals or groups of the same or different cultures. The focus is to recognize the behaviors and practices and apply this knowledge to the planning process and provide cultural suitable care (Farlex, 2003-2015). “The comparative approach directs nurses not to treat all persons alike, but to adjust …show more content…
Nurses have acknowledged that basic nursing education has not provided them with enough knowledge or skills that puts limitations on their ability to provide culturally sensitive nursing care. This highlights the importance of ongoing training and education that should be offered via the healthcare providers to enable nursing staff to be able to provide the competent transcultural nursing increasing client trust in their nurses and satisfaction with care provided (Maier-Lorentz, 2008). “An ongoing process with a goal of achieving the ability to work effectively with culturally diverse persons, and additionally, to care for these individuals with keen awareness of diversity, a strong knowledge base and skills in transcultural nursing, and especially a strong personal and professional respect for others from various …show more content…
The nurse needs to be aware and open minded that the aspects in our lives that are considered normal are in fact cultural and can be considered to be not normal by other cultures (Doody & Doody, 2012). Having knowledge of clients’ cultural views enables the nurse to provide essential and appropriate nursing care. An example of the benefits of transcultural nursing practices is knowledge of cultural beliefs may be the deciding factor as to whether to administer a blood transfusion to a client that is a Jehovah’s Witness. Having a clear understanding of the clients’ beliefs would ensure that this client does not receive the blood as it is forbidden in this culture to receive this treatment, therefore ensuring the client cultural beliefs are respected and the nurse has performed culturally competent nursing skills (Maier-Lorentz, 2008).
Transcultural nursing influences the health and well being of the client. A comprehensive understanding and assessment of cultural factors enables the nurse to provide individualised, meaningful and healing care plans that caters for various cultural backgrounds (Maier-Lorentz,