The Pros And Cons Of Open Carry Laws

Superior Essays
Texas is a very oriented on the Bill of Rights, especially the second amendment. However, over the years since the Constitution there had been many laws in place to protect people against the use of guns and restrictions on owning guns. This year, in the state of Texas, the legislature passed bill that would allow people with concealed handgun licenses to carry their weapon on public college campuses. This is a good because it would help on self-protection and intimidation. On the other side, people with handgun licenses do not necessarily have proper training and can misuse the weapon. Therefore, this law can have some serious repercussions, and some public support on their rights and privileges as citizens.
One of the benefits to open carry
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It is a misconception to assume that these individuals are all liberals and that the area is high crime rate and dangerous; which usually are not. There are only a few law enforcement personnel who would prefer to see less arms in the public.
The “campus carry” bill was a priority for gun rights activists, even though many colleges and universities statewide opposed it. Opponents won the allowance of gun-free zones, though college presidents won’t be able to ban handguns on entire campuses. In order to obtain a concealed-carry license, Texans must be at least 21. Which means many college students won’t qualify for a license. Texas lawmakers on May 29 approved carrying handguns openly on the streets, reversing a ban dating to the post-Civil War era. Gun owners would still have to get a license to carry a handgun in a visible
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I do not support it and I am not against it. If I were to walk into class and see that we are standing at gun point because someone became angry at another student or professor, I would be absolutely terrified and essentially traumatized. Mostly because of all the news stories of people going crazy shooting at schools. Given this fact the open carry on college campus could either make the atmosphere feel insecure and unstable. Or if there was a threat and someone started shooting at people, there would be more weapons pointed at the attacker, so essentially one could feel safer. Basically, it all depends on the situation in which you find yourself. Additionally, it also reflects on the person carrying the weapon. If you are comfortable with that person, and you think they are stable enough to be around them and accept who they are personally, then the fact that they have the weapon will not change your opinion about them personally. You might actually feel safer around

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