The Pros And Cons Of Late-Term Abortion

Superior Essays
Any woman that has ever had a late-term abortion knowingly and willingly committed fetal homicide. According to Dr. Jen Gunter, an OB/GYN and a pain medicine physician, "1,186 late-term abortions were conducted in 2012" (Gunter). That equals 1,186 lives that were ripped from this world...futures stripped from human beings. Although a fetus may not be a life since it relies on a host to survive, late-term abortion should be made illegal because the fetus can feel the pain of the D&X procedure, the D&X procedure is harmful to the mother, and women are using abortion as a form of birth control rather than a form of termination in a time of crisis. To better understand why making late-term abortions illegal is the right choice, one must consider …show more content…
The dilation and extraction procedure, also known as the D&X procedure, is the surgical method used to perform late-term abortions. Two days before a D&X procedure is performed, laminaria is inserted vaginally to dilate the cervix. On the third day of dilation the woman's water should then break and she would then return to the ER to complete the procedure. As simple as this may sound the D&X procedure has an enormous amount of risks to it. Some of the minor side effects of the D&X procedure include but are not limited to, "damage to uterine lining...cervix, perforation... of uterus, infection, and blood clots" ("Surgical Abortion Procedures..."). The most horrid side effect of all is death. A woman named Karnamaya Monger was 41 years old and 19 weeks pregnant when she decided to have a late-term abortion. When "she entered [the] clinic and died during an abortion performed there" ("Late term abortion...") she never thought she would ultimately die while killing her baby. This is not the only death. A woman in Tennessee died from the D&X procedure because during the operation she suffered severe bleeding that cut off air flow to the brain. Although she was resuscitated at the time, "the woman died the following month due to irreversible brain damage"("Bleeding, death follow..."). How many women have to die until we make …show more content…
If late-term abortion was illegal thousands of innocent children's lives would be saved every day, many mothers would not be able to risk getting severe infections or possibly die, and irresponsible mothers would no longer be able to use abortion as a form of birth control rather than using proper contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. All mothers and fathers should stand against late-term abortion and push politicians to pass laws that would make late-term abortion illegal. If this happens, innocent children will be able to live happy, healthy, and successful

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