The Pen Is Mightier Than The Keyboard Analysis

Improved Essays
BobbiDenise Fields
Article Summary 3
PSYC 2302-01
Article 3: The Pen is Mightier than the Keyboard In this experiment the main theory is that (1A)when using a laptop to take notes rather than taking them in longhand form, it is less effective when it comes to the outcome of learning, retaining, and processing information. They came up with this theory from previous research that shows that (1B) a student’s over exert their brain’s capacity for multitasking and distraction when they are using laptops. The results from the previous research show that (1B). The study suggests that (1B) it is more beneficial for students to take notes longhand because it’s more difficult for laptop note takers’ to retain and process information in their own words
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The authors used an experiment to test this theory; they tested (2A) 67 students, excluding 2 for outside reasoning and generally split them into groups of two but sometimes alone. In an experiment (2B) allowing the students to use their natural method of note take, them distracting them interesting cover topics and memory tasks the students were supposed to be able to retain the information given to them earlier. In the groups (2B) the students picking however they wanted to take their notes to ensure comfortability for their learning process but went through 3 separate studies. I think this was a good way to test the theory because it shows that (2C) students have different ways of learning information given to …show more content…
Since (4A) the study used verbatim transcription it left a more complete record to help with better studying from those notes taken. Their theory was supported by the data because it showed that the (4A) even when the students were given as much as a week to review the notes, the ones that used their laptops to take the notes stilled scored lower on both the conceptual understanding and factual content as compared to the students who had taken longhand notes. I agree with the results because if (4B) if using the laptop versus taking the notes longhand wasn’t affecting the learning of the students than the results would be the same. The fact that (4B) the majority of the students who took their notes longhand performed at a much higher rate than those who used a laptop proves this study. If the (4B) students using the laptop would have performed just as well or better than the one’s who used longhand than I would disagree with the theory that the pen is mightier than the

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