Does The Internet Make You Dumber Analysis

Improved Essays
“Does the Internet Make You Dumber?”
In the article does the internet make you dumber? Nicholas Carr’s main focus is that the “internet with its constant distractions, interruptions, is turning us into scattered and superficial thinkers.” He’s trying to say that the internet has a lot of negative effects on our learning and way of deep processing. He gives three main ideas supporting how the internet is turning us into scattered thinkers. The first idea is that picture emerging requires velocity rather than depth. The second idea is that internet connected laptops during lectures are troubling. The last idea is that multitasking isn’t an incredible power after all.
I can agree with the author’s ideas. As a student, I have experienced
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Maybe the saying “use it or lose it” is really true. In his first idea he states, “People who read text studded with links, the studies show, comprehend less than those who read a traditional linear text.” Linked articles can be a distraction. It’s easy to click the links and not give the full attention to the article. When we are paying close attention we are able to make information meaningful. By making it meaningful, we are able to retain it in our long-term memory. If we are constantly interrupted incoherent parts of information are placed in our short term memory, and then vanish. In addition to this idea, he talks about electronics in classrooms. He says, “web surfing would distract students, it should be a note to caution to schools that are wiring their classrooms in hopes of improving learning.” the internet on a computer during class is a distraction. Students lose focus during an important time of learning. Computers have distractions like emails, alerts, pop-ups, where it can make it impossible to concentrate. It’s really easy to get tempted and want to reply to emails or click on ads. An experiment conducted at Cornell University. The experiment was based off students who used laptops during class, versus those who didn’t use

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