Why Cursive Should Still Be Taught In Schools

Improved Essays
Some states are trying to bring cursive back into their school learning program, so that kids know how to use cursive. In my opinion, I think that cursive should still be taught in school today so that kids can have cursive to use if they get tired of using regular print in school. First cursive can help by taking notes faster so students will not fall behind and miss any of the notes need to take in college, Next cursive helps the left and right brain cells communicate better, lastly cursive is a skill that everybody will need to know for later in life. Also cursive makes the left and right brain cells work together so each side of your brain works better together. The brain cells working together can help because it can make think harder about stuff because of the cell communication. Cell communication can by make it easier to learn new stuff that you did not know before. Also cell communication can make so that your brain is smart and will make a way better memory. …show more content…
Cursive is faster to write because if students take notes on computer they may fall behind and miss some very important notes that are probably going to be question on a test. Also studies have found out the kids that took notes by hand performed better on a test then those who took notes by computer. Cursive is not being taught that much anymore, so that means the kids in college are not going to do as good as they us to do because of computer taking over. Soon all notes will be taken on computers. Also if computers take over notes will not be there any more so, I think that notes by hand are way easier than on a

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