Cursive is faster to write because if students take notes on computer they may fall behind and miss some very important notes that are probably going to be question on a test. Also studies have found out the kids that took notes by hand performed better on a test then those who took notes by computer. Cursive is not being taught that much anymore, so that means the kids in college are not going to do as good as they us to do because of computer taking over. Soon all notes will be taken on computers. Also if computers take over notes will not be there any more so, I think that notes by hand are way easier than on a
Cursive is faster to write because if students take notes on computer they may fall behind and miss some very important notes that are probably going to be question on a test. Also studies have found out the kids that took notes by hand performed better on a test then those who took notes by computer. Cursive is not being taught that much anymore, so that means the kids in college are not going to do as good as they us to do because of computer taking over. Soon all notes will be taken on computers. Also if computers take over notes will not be there any more so, I think that notes by hand are way easier than on a