The leadership contextual framework are further underlined with reference to two different views on leadership, namely the leader- focused and relationship based approach. The relationship based view are further accentuated by the Chinese value of guanxi which give managers and employees to meet the demands they face and provide opportunities to develop emotionally , …show more content…
The social network theory indicate that three types of social relationships exist and that the quality of the LMX relationship do have an effect on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction level that an employee display during work-home spillovers. The different stages of the LMX theory builds on the previous one and a brief description of each stage also indicate the differentiation in relations with subordinates until the leader reach stage 4 where he or she can build partnerships with the subordinates.
The LMX theory refer to the relationship characteristics between the leader and subordinates and these relationships moved through different phases. The relationship first start with initial interaction between the member and the dyad and then followed by a sequence of exchanges which can be positive, which is emphasized by the Similarity –Attraction theory. The exchange process, which varying in quality from member to member, can be described as a supervisor extending a favor to the subordinate and expecting tangible …show more content…
These dimensions can be one –dimensional or multi- dimensional, work based and, as proposed by some scholars, based on a fourth dimension, namely professional respect.
The relationship between LMX and the different spillovers are explored through a literature review based on theoretical research findings comparative to the constructs of the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, role overload, meaningful work, work home conflict and work home enrichment. Each of the constructs was discussed separately and also in relation to each other, resultant from previous research. A further emphasis of this chapter was to examine, through previous studies, which mediating mechanisms, i.e. role overload and meaningful work impacted on leadership that influences work-home spillover.
We also differentiate between two pathways from LMX to work-home conflict (via role overload) and work-home enrichment (via meaningfulness of work). It seems, from previous studies, that good employee-supervisor relationships are very important for positive work-home spillovers. Hence, a straightforward managerial implication is to develop good working relationships with your employees. The literature study was used for the purpose of defining and presenting previously found information relating to the above-mentioned