1. Based on the principles of LMX theory, what observations would you make about Carly’s leadership at Mills, Smith, & Peters? Carly’s leadership style would indicate that she has one team that she supports and favor with task and jobs because there’s a mutual understanding of their work ethics. She also has other teams that she has learned are not as willing to go the extra mile and works with them within their ability to perform.
2. Is there an in-group and out-group, and if so, which are they? Yes, Jack’s team is definitely the in-group and Terri, Sarah and Julie’s teams are all out-groups.
3. In what way is Carly’s relationship with the four groups productive or counterproductive to the …show more content…
Based on the LMX model, how would you describe Jenny’s leadership? I would describe Jenny’s leadership as Vertical Dyad.
2. How do you think the employees at City Mortgage respond to Jenny? I think most of her employees they respect Jenny and appreciate your leadership style. However, there’s always going to be a few who will feel that she is standoffish and not personable.
3. If you were asked to follow in Jenny’s footsteps, do you think you could or would want to manage City Mortgage with a similar style? I think I could but it would be hard. I think I would have to change gradually change certain aspects to keep myself from burning out.
Case 7.3 Taking on Additional Responsibilities
1. From an LMX theory point of view, how would you describe Jim’s relationship with his employees at the district Social Security office? Jim’s relationship with his employees at the district Social Security office is that of Vertical Dyads. Jim has a relationship with all of his followers and I feel they all have their own unique …show more content…
As suggested in the chapter, leadership making recommends that the leader build a high-quality relationship with all of the followers. How would you evaluate Jim’s leadership in regards to leadership making? Discuss? I believe Jim’s has a relationship with his followers or he would not know who to pull for certain task when needed. To eliminate some of the negative perceptions Jim could offer everyone the opportunities to be on the radio or take on extra work assignments. I feel even knowing the same few will step up it will make everyone feel included because they were offered the opportunity.
Leadership Instrument LMX 7 Questionaire as a Leader
I scored high on this questionnaire as a leader which indicated that I have a higher quality leader-member exchange with in-group members. This is interesting because as I was reading this chapter I could relate fully to the theory and in-group vs out-group concept. Although I try hard to be fair as a leader and include everyone you I think human nature sometimes develops relationships that leade to in-group and out-groups in environments such as work and groups. As a leader, you have to be cautious and continue to work to include all and eliminate those