Essay On Ethical Dilemmas In Social Work

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Choosing a professional within my chosen career field to complete this assignment, was not a challenge. I choose to interview one of my mother coworkers, mother works for the CAA, which is the Community Action Agency for Miami-Dade County. Her coworker works for the Lotus House in the city of Over town. I had the pleasure of meeting the interviewee at her workplace, which gave me a more realistic view of the profession I am entering, which is Social Work.
Ms. Roshanda Knowles, is a Resource Coordinator for the Lotus House. She has been in the Social Work field since 2004 and she has her B.S in Psychology with an B.S.M in Social Work. Ms. Knowles, is a Certified Case Manager, CCM, for the state of Florida. She is also a Certified CAP, which means she can host addictions and substances classes for individuals with these issues. The type of clients Ms. Knowles work with on a regular basis is individuals with health issues, homelessness, high mental, physical and health issues and impairments.
The tasks for her job is to basically provide services and resources to the population in which serve, which are the homeless and individuals with different mental and physical health issues. Ms. Knowles stated that she has to do case managing by always connecting guest to resources to prevent homelessness. In order to fulfill this role, she believes
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Also, the judges assigned to particular cases can sometimes be racist. According to her, she believes that the judges are cultural stable meaning blacks help blacks or Hispanics help Hispanics. Ms. Knowles, stated that her agency, provides a safe house for their client and the also have a very diverse team, so that they can meet the needs of any client in need. Her agency provides cultural training and awareness, and her team is diverse with a Hispanic, African American, Spanish and Creole

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