We know that human services worker must be familiar with the human development, how culture and society …show more content…
The conflicts may exist between this code and laws, workplace policies, cultural practices, credentialing boards, and personal beliefs. Ethical-decision making process should be employed to assure careful choices. Even though ethical codes are not legal documents, they may be used to help address issues that related to the behavior of human service professionals. As Human service professionals obtain informed consent to provide services to clients at the beginning of the helping relationship. Clients should be informed that they may withdraw consent at any time except where denied by court order and should be able to ask questions before agreeing to the services. Clients who are unable to give consent should have those who are legally able to give consent for them review an informed consent statement and provide appropriate consent. The protest of the clients right is to privacy and confidentiality except when such confidentiality would have caused serious harm to the client or other, when agency guideline state otherwise, or under other stated …show more content…
The vision that the state of Maryland is the best place in our nation for persons with disabilities to live, work and raise a family. The mission of DORS is to provide leadership and support in promoting the employment, economic self-sufficiency, and independence of individuals with disabilities. DORS helps people with physical, emotional, intellectual, developmental, sensory and learning disabilities go to work and keep their jobs by providing services such as career assessment and counseling, assistive technology, job training, higher education and job placement. DORS will assign a counselor who will talk with you about DORS services and find out if you are eligible for these