Adelaide and I stand towards the center of the group; my father is in a corner, praying. We don’t sleep well and as light begins to break through the cracks in the train car, the train slows and stops. We hear doors opening and officers yelling, first far off and then closer to us. The door of the car in front of us slams loudly open. Officers shout and we hear people shuffle off of the train. No one says a word. As our door opens, bright light breaks into the train car. We are blinded by it
As my eyes adjust, I can’t help but be terrified. There are officers everywhere, even more than in the ghetto. There are tall electrical fences and smoke stacks. The officers shout commands and observe as we jump out of the cars. My mother rushes to us. Families all around us reunite. Suddenly an officer yells, “Men on one side, women on the other!”
My parents embrace each other quickly, and we say our goodbyes. My mother takes Adelaide by the hand and they start to walk away from us and to were the other women stand. My father and I trudge to where the men are. We join the line and stand silently. We wait for whatever will happen …show more content…
There are old people, really little kids, and people who are sick. My father is not any were to be seen. The old man who was spit on is here so is the girl who cried back at the ghetto. There are people who look almost dead. Left is the direction for the condemned. Realizing this, I look around me frantically. I don’t know what I’m looking parents, Adelaide, anyone I know, anyone who could help me. A guard sees me and laughs before he strikes me.
Officers with guns start to move us forward. The group begins to move forward, toward the smokestacks. People all around me start to panic. We all know that this is the way to death, but we keep moving. After walking for a long time, my legs hurt and I’m extremely thirsty. Finally we are standing in front of a large building. The officers instruct us to take off our clothes. I start to undress, ignoring the other people around me as they take off their clothes, too. When the officers motion for us to enter the building. We walk through the doors in a single file line. The doors