When I snuck out of the lab I ran through the woods. I got to the edge of the woods and saw a diner. The diner was called Benny’s Burgers. I went in the back door, straight to the kitchen. There was a paper tray filled with french fries. I ate as many as I could before I got caught. Then the owner, Benny saw me and ran towards me. I started running away but he caught me. He yelled and called me a boy. I was wearing a hospital gown covered in dirt, so he gave me a big shirt to wear. He made me a burger and tried to talk to me, but I didn’t know much so I couldn’t respond. While I was eating, some lady came to the door. She said she was from Social Services. She came into the diner. She shot and killed Benny. Then I ran. I ran to the back door. There were two guards standing there. I killed them. They were going to take me back to the lab and treat me poorly again. I couldn’t go back to the lab. I couldn’t live that way any longer. So, I ran. Some boys saw me in the woods and brought me to their house. One boy was Mike, another was Dustin, and another was Lucas. I was at Mike’s house. He gave me dry clothes to put on since I ran through the woods in the rain. Then he made a little fort for me in his basement. He let me hide in his house as long as I needed to (“A Feminist Critique Of Netflix's Stranger Things” and Stranger Things, Season 1, Episode 1). These boys are all good people. That’s when …show more content…
Terry Ives is Mama. I talked to her. Mama can’t talk but I could tell what she wanted me to do. She wanted me to talk to my lab sister, Kali. I just know. I don’t know why though. I remember Kali from the rainbow room at the lab when we were young. I went to see her. I got to a building where there were other people. No Kali. I asked for Kali and they laughed. They called me Shirley Temple. They made fun of me. I finally saw Kali and she showed me her tattoo. She was number Eight. I later found out she was bad too. She just wanted to hurt people. She wanted revenge on people who mistreated her in the lab. They gave me a makeover. They said I was “bitchin’”. When I was with them, they tried to make me kill the man that electroshocked Mama. Although he hurt Mama, I couldn’t kill him for it. He had kids (“Stranger Things: Why Eleven's Story Is the One Blemish in a Delightful Season” and Stranger Things, Season 2, Episode 7). I left Kali and her friends because I realized they just wanted me to be bad like them. I don’t think Kali is a bad person either. She was raised in the lab just like me, and we were treated poorly, which influenced the ways we react. I was bad for a while but it’s just not me. I went home. Home is where my friends are. Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas. They’re good people. If I spend all my time with them, I can be good too. Some people may say that Kali was born bad, but I think she’s bad because