Why did God allow for something as bad as the Holocaust to happen? Even though God gave us free will, why did he not intervene at times? Something as horrendous as the Holocaust should never have happened because God should had stopped one person’s motives for the sake of 6 million others. Are the lives of over 6 million Jews not more valuable as one corrupt man’s free will? Hitler was arguably the most malicious person in history. Every choice he made was against God’s plan of being a humble person. This is important to me because so many innocent people were tortured, murdered, and forced to do heavy labor against their will, yet one person was freely allowed to commit such atrocities. Many of the people who lost their lives were innocent children. Shouldn’t the welfare of an innocent child warrant God’s intervention. I understand why we have free will, but why does God not interfere during these extreme circumstances. Why isn’t adultery a credible reason for an annulment? …show more content…
Last year in class, we learned that marriage is a physical and spiritual connection between two people. It is a physical relationship because it involves our body and it is a spiritual relationship because it involves our souls. If a spouse is unfaithful to their husband or wife, then they are not really spiritually involved in the marriage. Their soul is not committed to that other person. A legitament marriage involves both the body and spirit. Someone who commits adultery is not spiritually and physically invested in their relationship. If a person is not ready to fully commit themselves in a marriage, but gets married anyway, then that marriage should be viewed as invalid. This is why I believe adultery should be a credible reason for an annulment. This question is important to me because the Catholic faith is based upon relationships between God and his followers and matrimony is the embodiment of the basis of our faith. If we cannot have an honest relationship with one another, one of God’s creations, then I feel an annulment should be permitted. Why do animals, such as our pets not go to heaven? Although animals have different souls than humans, I believe that they should go to heaven. Domestic pets are feeling creatures. They feel sympathy and empathy for us. Pets also try to please us and can show a sense of love towards one another. Animals can show emotions similar to human beings and should end up in the same destination as us after they pass away. They are still part of God’s creation just like us. God created everything with a purpose, but why did he intend to only have human beings come to heaven? If everything was created with a goal in mind, then how come some creatures are not intended to go to heaven after they pass away. I believe all of God’s creations should go to heaven, since they all had a purpose on