Why abortion should be legal? There are many answers to that question. When people hear the word abortion, they feel negative, angry and see it as an awful thing, but no one stop to think why a woman need to get an abortion. People need to start seeing abortion as a positive and a wonderful thing that exist in the world because it has helped many women. It’s a simple procedure that gives women a choice whether to have a baby at a certain time. Abortion allows women to avoid the risk of losing her life and/or the baby during pregnancy. Not all women are healthy enough to be pregnant and give birth; therefore, abortion is a life saver for those women. Unwanted pregnancy from rape or incest is a terrible thing for a woman to have to go through. Women should not have to carry a baby from the person that harm and hurt them in so many ways. The baby would just be a bad and horrible reminder of the experiences for the rest of their lives. The stress each woman has to go through during that pregnancy would be tremendous. Some might not be able to handle and might end up hurting themselves in the process. Abortion is a hard decision to make, but it’s a simple way to help each woman during the stressful time. Unwanted pregnancy is not good for women and babies; in fact, it could be worse for the babies. Babies need a lot of loves and cares during those first moments in a new, unknown world and they definitely need their mothers. The mothers are unable to give the love their babies needs because they might be in danger or life-threatening situations due to the pregnancy and giving birth. Abortion is a good choice from the beginning of the pregnancy that could prevent many stresses and any awful situations might occur in …show more content…
These excuses can be seen as stupid and dumb to most people. Some women don’t want to be pregnant simply because they just don’t want to be fat and they really do think that fat is a good and reasonable excuse to kill an unborn child. They also don’t want the boyfriends to find out and would break up for having his baby. They choose to see that there is no other way other than an abortion. Adoption is a way to help women from taking on the responsibility of having a new baby in their lives. Many families would be happy to welcome and provide a safe and healthy environment for new babies. This will give the babies the equal fighting chance in life and give women a way out of the unwanted pregnancy without taking innocent life. Women need to start seeing that abortion is not the only choice they have, but there are many other great options that would help them as well as the babies.
Why abortion should be legal or illegal? This question will stick around us for a long time because there are always good and bad reasons for abortion. Everyone can be right and wrong whether they choose abortion or