Ethical Issues In The Crucible

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Moral Purity People often have a very strict rule of conduct for people, and that being a good person one must avoid making mistakes. Moral Purity is part of the story line in The Crucible. Many mistakes and sins are made during The Crucible, but just because a sin or mistake has been made does not mean that the person has no worth, or that it even makes them a "bad" person. Examples from the past and present help to show how a person can overcome their mistakes. John Proctor from The Crucible, is a clear example. John Proctor has made the mistake of having an affair while he is married. In some instances, people who do participate in affairs are not good people. These people are the ones that do not care who they hurt in the end. However John Proctor takes ownership to his mistake. Proctor wants the best for his wife and family and regrets his decision. This shows how a person can make a mistake and overcome it. …show more content…
Many different opinions come up with this topic. Some people believe that if you choose to have an abortion you are attomitaclly a bad person. From this decision many people will look down on this person. But, on the other hand people also believe that this is a right that all woman should have. These people also believe that this decision does not decide the character of the individual. When a woman has an abortion, it is terminating the pregnancy so that the woman is not longer pregnant. People do not take into consideration of the women who are raped, have expericend incest, or when the mother's life is in danger. These are all reasons for a woman to get an abortion. Most people will choose to have judgement on these women. The reason why is because it is easier to assume the worst in people at times. The women that have an abortion in most cases have clear reasoning to why they are terminating their pregnancy. Having an abortion does not make you a selfish or bad

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