Abigail is a very good example. She and Proctor had an affair and was now very jealous of Elizabeth, Proctor’s wife. Elizabeth was accused of being a witch by Abigail because Abigail wanted to have Proctor to herself. As mentioned before, witchcraft represented sinning in The Crucible. Lying is a sin and Abigail lied when she made the accusation about Elizabeth. The only reason Abigail lied was so that she could possibly have Proctor. That was her motive. It was obvious that Abigail still loved Proctor so it is definitely easy to identify that she was just trying to get Proctor to …show more content…
Hysteria is uncontrollable emotion among a group of people. People in Salem began to turn on each other. Anyone that was accused of being a witch, wanted the person that made the inaccurate accusation to be punished. To get them punished they had to accuse them of something. It was all a huge cycle. It was hysteria. The characters sacrificed their own justice, reason, and morality just to get back at someone. Abigail was mad that she was accused, so she tried to get Elizabeth sent to jail. Reverend Parris strengthens his role in the community even though he let people take the blame for false accusations. They let others be harmed, to help themselves. The only reason hysteria flourished, is because people could benefit from