Nowadays a lot of schools are relying on technology to help promote better learning and keeping up with trends.
Technology in the classroom isn’t necessary a good thing or a bad thing. Technology does allow students to have access to different types of information online. But on the other hand technology in the classroom also allow students to have access to sites that are not school related which could stunt learning. I’m the type of educator who feels like books and encyclopedias should be in the classroom instead of technology. Technology is also more expensive; if the school systems cannot afford to by materials for classroom learning then they should not be adding technology into classrooms. Next technology impacts bullying/cyberbullying in the most traumatic way possible. Technology allows students to say mean and hurtful things to someone without physically saying it to their face. They can gang up on someone and edit pictures to destroy the others reputation. Technology lets students torment, threaten, harass, humiliate, embarrassed or targeted on another. Technology makes it easy to destroy a person and with mobile phones, ipads, computers, tablets within reach no one