Cause Of Distracted Driving

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One of the most significant causes of why distracted driving has become a societal crisis is because phones are becoming a necessity in our daily lives. At this century, living without a phone is like living without air. You need your phone to call your boss and say you will be a little late due to traffic, you need your phone to check your bank statement and make sure there is enough money for you to go shopping, you need your phone to call your mom and say that you arrived safely to your destination, you need your phone to call or go online to order food, ect. A day without phone is like a day without your legs or your arms, you ‘literally’ cannot do anything. Hosansky continues in his article: Although lawmakers at the federal, state and …show more content…
These days, social media has become an important part of everyone’s lives. Everyone has to make sure to take a picture before they eat their food so they can post it online and their friends like their pictures and admire the deliciouse food they ate. It’s like these days people go on vacation not to relax or enjoy, but to take pictures so they can get 100 likes on their post and prove to people that their life is much better than others. The recent documentary From One Second to the Next, directed by Werner Herzog, a German film director who was named one of the 100 most influential people on the planet by Time magazine in 2009, is a powerful thirty-four minutes documentary that actually shows the negative effects of distracted driving, in this case, texting while driving. Herzog states that “Over 100,000 accidents a year involves drivers who are texting.” In his documentary, Herzog interviews a woman called Valetta who is the mother of Xzavier, an eight year old boy who is now paralyzed due to an accident. The driver who hitted Xzavier, or as his mom calls him X, was texting while driving so she didn’t see the stop sign and pass that without stopping and hitted X with her car, which made X paralyzed. Valetta says that her dream for X was to become a professional athlete. She said that X loved to play in the yard, he knew all the names of his favorite football team, and she knew that someday she is going to sit in the stadium and hears everyone yell “X, X, X.” Valatta calls that “Mama’s dream.” Now due to the accident, X’s legs are gone, his chair are his legs now. The use of right hand is partial and he needs machines to help him breath. He is on medical service and he has a 24-hours nurse who take care of him and make sure everything is alright. Valetta says, “Most nights, I’m sitting on that

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