Distractions behind the wheel have become such a big problem for people driving on the roads today. They come from several different sources and can become life threatening. It is most important to limit all distractions while driving, whether those distractions come from the passengers in the car, electronic devices or mental distractions. Being distracted in the car can be dangerous and result in the loss of a life. There are ways a driver can eliminate distractions while driving to create the safest and most controlled environment.
While driving the passengers that you are surrounded by can become a big distraction. At times they can become too loud or involve the driver in conversations which cause them to become less focused on the road and more focused on what is going on in the car. Passengers also have the ability to control the radio and the volume it is played at. If the radio is too loud it may become harder for the driver to pay attention to the road and what is in front of them. To avoid distractions created by the passengers in the car, it is best for the driver to set rules as to what can go on in the car while it is being driven. The rules are there to help create a safe environment and the best way to avoid life threatening situations. …show more content…
Phones have become a distraction to everyone both on and off the road, they too cause dangerous and life threatening situations when drivers become distracted from the road. The best way to avoid the use of electronic devices is to put them in a place where the driver is unable to see, hear or reach them. Many phones now have messages and systems that limit the function of a phone while a car is in motion. By removing the electronic device or putting it on driving mode a driver is less likely to allow it to be a