Campaigns discuss the dangers of texting behind the wheel (Salazar03). It helps drivers recognize the risk (“Should Texting…”) they bring to our roads when they decide to pick up their cell phones while driving. The most important thing that campaigns do is that they encourage safe driving (“Should Texting…”). If drivers knew how important the roads mean to every other driver, they will think about it twice before picking up their cell phones while driving. Nothing is more important than knowing that our roads are safe to drive. Signing pledges have shown to also reduce accidents (Texting While…”). Once drivers sign pledges, the driver must be committed to that pledge and the safety of the roads and others. This is why many campaigns encourage drivers to sign pledges today. Another way to make driver stop texting and driving is to enforce tougher …show more content…
For instance if a driver were to crash while texting and driving they will have to go to a trail in court (“10 Tips To…”), especially if texting and driving wall illegal in there state. The driver who was texting and driving is instantly pleaded guilty during the trail (“10 Tips To…”). The only person who is responsible for their actions is the one who makes the choices. The driver made the choice to pick their cell phone and text behind the wheel. Harish penalties are applied to the driver (Texting While…”). These penalties depend on the state the driver lives. It could be too many years in prison up to a lifetime (“New Approaches…”). Very expensive fines are common (“New Approaches…”). Fines are usually always given when the driver was pulled