"Where'sss the boy?" A raspy, inhuman voice hissed from the other side of the door.
I was hiding behind a charcoal black leather couch at the back of the hallway in the furnished basement of a friend’s house. Yeah, yeah, Sean, you're a scaredycat, blah, blah. Imagine this, you’re at your friend’s birthday sleepover. He lives about an hour’s drive in the middle of nowhere and at midnight, you hear the booming sound of a thud and a clink. While playing numerous video games when everyone else …show more content…
I think anxiously. Oh no, he can smell me, how do I know …show more content…
I picked up my friend's dog, Rufus' chew toy as bait to get ugly-psychopath-that's-going-to-kill-me number 1's attention to buy me time. I swung it down the hallway trying my best to keep it low. It squealed when it hit the floor down the hallway and made it seem as if I had stepped on it by accident.
"Thees ees too easy. If only ze people I had to bring to ze Lord put up a fight, like seriously, the job gets boring nowadays." I heard the person hunting me say in a German yet youthful voice without any raspiness or inhumanness while silently walking down the dark hallway.
I initiated the climbing stage of my plan. I climbed up onto the armrest of the leather couch, I slipped a few times because I was wearing socks against the slippery surface but was able to regain myself silently. I jumped up and grabbed the frame of the window. I slid the window open and pushed my lower torso through first.
Pushing my legs ever so slowly through the window so I didn’t make any sound while climbing out, I watched ugly number 2 walk down the hallway.I don’t have too long until he finds out I’m nowhere to be seen.I was almost the whole way through when I felt a yank at my legs. I'm a dead 12 year