For instance, “Recent graduates are coming into the start of their adult lives already significantly burdened with debt,” (Bollag 1). This shows that people who just graduated college, without even acquiring a job yet, are already filled with debt. Many students are forced to acquire loans of thousands of dollars. “Student loan debt exceeds $1.2 trillion. The level of college debt is not sustainable,”(Senate Democrats Push For Tuition Free College). Not only does this show that millions of students get loans, but it also shows how much money the government gives out to students. After the economy went down in 2008, college tuition costs began to increase. Many families didn’t expect this to occur which caused them to fail in preparation in saving for college tuition costs. “The cost of a post secondary education has risen steadily and has significantly outpaced the ability of most American families to save or prepare for the expenses involved in the support of their children’s educations,” (Senate Democrats Push For Tuition Free College). This shows how an unexpected occurrence can very negatively affect families and students financially. Less than half of the of the people who pull out loans pay it back. It is affecting students and families financially and affecting the U.S. …show more content…
Countries such as Germany, Canada and Finland offer college tuition for free. However, there are many other countries that have tried a type of student loan program to see how it would work. After a while of testing the programs, these countries claimed that it worked inefficiently and caused many problems in their economy, (Senate Democrats Push For Tuition Free College). This shows that loan programs don’t work as well as people claim they do and it causes more harm than good. It also shows that the U.S. government should consider providing free college tuition, especially after receiving negative feedback from other countries who have tried using financial aid