The Problem Of Teen Pregnancy In The United States

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Teen pregnancy is an increasing problem in the United States and just keeps growing significantly over the years. Studies have found that 34.5 births from 1,000 women were from the age of 15 to 19 years old (Reimer, 2012). There are many classes and supporters to teach each individual on how to prevent teen pregnancy, but yet the numbers still keep increasing. If the numbers keep increasing then shouldn’t it be less of a problem? Women who get pregnant at an early age are at high risk of health issues, loss of education, to live a life of poverty, and to abort their child. Which causes most mothers, Fathers, teachers, and teens to fear teen pregnancy, and will keep addressing it as a problem instead of a blessing. In the long run it is a blessing …show more content…
Generally if a teen gets pregnant while still in high school they are most likely to drop out before they graduate. For emotional reasons such as fear of embarrassment, sexual harassment, fear of bullying, and physical reasons such as morning sickness. Once they drop out they start to get into trouble by doing drugs and others may pursue being a stay at home mom instead of getting a further education. This all commonly happens for a teen mom because there is not any support from the teen’s parents to push for success (Monahan, 2013). It has been proven that 40 percent of women who have children before the age of 18 are known to drop out of high school. Teen pregnancy dropouts have also been linked to why their children normally drop out also. Their children also are more likely to follow in their footsteps and become pregnant as a teen or for the boys are more likely to be arrested at a young age …show more content…
Many children do not even get a chance to see life because of a mistake a mother had pursued. Abortion in teens has been the lowest since the year 1973, but yet 37 percent of the teen pregnancies have ended in abortion (Adoescent Health , 2016). That is two out of five teen mothers that decided to abort their child because of embarrassment or fear of it derailing their important goals in life. Researches have found that teens ages 15 to 17 only have 8 out of 1,000 teen moms that will abort their child unlike teens at the age of 18 to 19, they have a higher rate of abortion which is 23 out of 1,000 (Child Trends Data Bank , 2014). Abortion is a difficult decision and can cause sociological problems in teen mothers. Which can cause a significant amount of guilt to even take their own lives Nobody wants to kill an innocent little fetus even abortionist strongly dislike abortion. As an abortionist named Benjamin Kalish said, “ Even now I feel A little peculiar about it, because as a physician I was trained to conserve life and here I am destroying it (Kalish, 2013

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