In this paragraph, I will go over why it is impossible for Ted Cruz to be the Zodiac Killer The first main reason why this is impossible is the place of birth. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, which is in Canada. When he moved to America he was living in Houston Texas nowhere near where the killings happened. When he moved to America he was living in Houston Texas nowhere near where the killings happened. Ted Cruz lived in Texas for a while, he graduated High school in 1988 in Texas proving he was not in California Cruz was born in Canada, and it is a fact that all Canadians are nice making it so Ted Cruz is too nice to kill people. Ted Cruz would not have been anywhere near California when the Zodiac Killer was Killing because he was not yet born, and I will go over this more in the next paragraph. So, in conclusion from just these points alone, there is no way Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer but I will go into more reasons why Ted Cruz is not the Zodiac Killer. …show more content…
The main reason Ted Cruz can’t be the Zodiac Killer is that he was born on December 22 of 1970. The first killing the Zodiac Killer took credit for and provided evidence for happened in 1963. The Last killing the Zodiac Killer took credit for happened on March 22, 1970, when he was not yet born. Ted Cruz was also born 1,308 miles away from where the Zodiac Killer was Killing. So, if Ted Cruz somehow found a way to control his mother and change his mother’s appearance, she would have to be pregnant for over 7