A subjective and objective assessment carried out by the physiotherapist using subjective, objective, assessment and plan (S.O.A.P) notes; this is a standardised medical evaluation for clinical records (Maggs, 1996). SOAP notes are useful because they provide a clear, concise framework documentation …show more content…
The direct impact could have damaged the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) or calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), this is suggested to be linked to high grade II (Orellana et al., 2012). impaired willingness of contractile and non-contractile structures to coordinate efficient response (Bonadies & Sterling, 1998).
Upon palpation the bony lateral malleolus and posteriorly up the fibula appeared tender this could be linked to bimalleolar fracture until x-rays confirm no bones are damaged (Beck, 1981)
Additionally, a talar tilt test done by the physiotherapist recorded the right ankle as 22º and the left affected as 16°. The player also demonstrated pain, reduced ROM and increased joint laxity; this would suggest a positive test because a talar tilt of more than 5°c compared to the unaffected ankle indicates instability in the ligaments (Gaebler et al., 1997). A talar tilt test had been done because it is more specific for detecting injury to the CFL (Rasmussen,