Biceps tendon subluxation is an injury to the shoulder area. The biceps muscle is located on the front side of the upper arm. When this muscle contracts, it causes the forearm to bend at the elbow joint. Biceps muscle contraction also assists in raising the arm at the shoulder joint.
The place on a muscle where it attaches to a bone is called a tendon. Biceps muscles have three tendons. One tendon attaches at the elbow, and the other two attach at the shoulder. One of the tendons that attaches at the shoulder runs through a groove in the bone before it attaches at the shoulder. Biceps tendon subluxation occurs when the tendon moves out of this groove during arm movement. This injury often occurs along with other problems in the shoulder.
Biceps tendon subluxation can happen after an injury to the group of muscles …show more content…
• Perform heavy labor, especially involving lifting and overhead work.
• Have poor strength and flexibility.
• Fail to warm up properly before practice or play.
Symptoms of this injury include:
• Crackling, clicking, or popping sound when the arm is moved away from the body and the shoulder is rotated outward. You may or may not have pain during this movement.
• Pain and tenderness in the front of the shoulder.
• Pain that increases with shoulder and elbow motion, such as bending the elbow and turning your palm upward against resistance.
This injury can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to those of many other upper arm and shoulder problems. The diagnosis may be made based on:
• Your symptoms and medical history. Your health care provider will ask for details about your injury and ask about activities that make your symptoms worse.
• A physical exam.
• Imaging tests such as:
○ X-rays.
○ CT