Inconvenience: Spanking can cause many consequences in a child which is why it is an outdated form of discipline. A child can undergo emotional trauma and physical…
Anne Goddard is a Social Worker for the State and a mother of two girls, Jessica 9 years old and Megan 6 years old. We asked her a few questions to see what her opinion on spanking children as a form how punishment is. How long have you been working as a social worker? “I have been a Social Worker for about 10 years now. When I first started I worked for nursing homes and worked on behalf of patients with abuse accusations from the nursing staff.…
Why Spanking is the Worst Punishment This article talks about spanking and physical discipline in general and if it truly works or not. In the beginning the author talks about how many people are spanked as kids and most of them turn out fine. The author also talks about how most parents spank but only on special occasion. They save it for when the child has done something very bad.…
Many people believe that spanking should be outlawed, but others disagree because they believe that it shouldn’t be outlawed due to the fact. That children don’t have any respect anymore and they need to be spanked when they act out. The only time a child should not be hit is when the parent is trying to beat them, that’s not okay its considered abuse and inhumane.…
Half of all U.S. parents say they’ve spanked their kid. Spanking doesn’t just happen in the privacy of homes, either. Nineteen states allow teachers or principals to hit children. Opponents often point to scientific studies as proof that spanking is bad. And I confess,…
The book Why Spanking Doesn’t Work, lists eleven undesirable side effects of spanking their children. The first undesirable side effect is that spanking a child will lower their self-esteem which in turn can send the message that the child is of little value to the parent who spanked them. The next undesirable side effect of spanking is that it will create a display of bad feelings in children which can in turn have a feeling of emotional distress and lower the well-being of the child. A third point of the undesirable side effects of spanking is that it will alienate the child from the parents which cause nervousness and tension when the child is around the parents. The fourth undesirable side effect is that spanking will cause children to…
When reading the article Hugs, Not Hits, it says that the child outcomes of spanking leads to aggression and antisocial behavior. Studies have said that “Spanking is thought to increase antisocial behavior because it models aggression.” This article discusses the controversy of spanking and how twenty-five percent of parents agree that spanking is a good discipline measure. The advice of researchers and practitioners have concluded that spanking is harmful yet so many parents still agree to use spanking as a form of discipline or punishment. A child’s social competence has not been under study or examined if spanking does lead to a child’s aggression.…
The topic of this paper is to determine whether spanking your children is good or bad. Spanking can be justified. One of the main reasons parents spank their children would be to instill proper behavior in a disciplined manner. It’s not to hurt the child but to teach them the appropriate way of being respectful towards authority. Which could make a huge impact on their lives when they become adults.…
Parents have to be cautious when disciplining their children to avoid trouble. Unfortunately, there is not a set behavior that warrants a spanking. Some sources say that it is okay to spank because it aids in building a strong relationship of respect with the parent and child, and it results in well-mannered children and adults. Parents also say that it is normal to spank children and that it is just disciplinary actions (“The Spanking Debate” 1).…
Is spanking really important? Is it necessary to discipline your child or will only bring detrimental effects on their life? Those in favour of spanking say it is an effective method of discipline and hasn't been shown to damage children in the long run. Those against it argue that spanking can cause children to become violent later in life and may increase the chances that they will experience anxiety…
There is a huge debate in today’s society about whether or not spanking is an acceptable form of punishment and discipline. I believe that spanking is a great way to discipline children, and I believe that there are many positive results of disciplining children by spanking them. Discipline should be very important to a parent. When trying to raise children, parents must teach their children the difference between wrong from right. When children do something right, they should be rewarded.…
Punishing kids through spanking has negative effects on a child’s overall health. Over the years, many researches have been conducted into finding out the effects of spanking on children. One of the many outcomes is that children have a poor relationship with their parents in the future. Studies…
Luz Medina English 81010 Professor Pierson November 13, 2016 Corporal Punishment: Yay or Nay? For years, physical discipline, from light spankings to brutal beatings, was seen as commonplace in households to get a child to learn a lesson. It was never seen as a cruel and tough form of punishment but as a necessity to get a point across. Now, in today’s society, this punishment crosses a line to a dangerous and serious form of child abuse.…
I really liked the way you compared the analogy of a clay artisan and the relationship between children and parents. I agree with you about the fact that spanking can be adopted by the child who has been spanked and repeated this later in his/her own children. I also agree with you that spanking affects child's behavior and social interactions and that spanking should be avoided at all cost. I think you need to work more in your conclusion to improve your work.…
This study is crucial because spanking children has become one of the most used techniques to punish young children as means of discipline, which is used by most parents in diverse ethnic group or parenting-style. As mentioned in the Corporal Punishment Predicts Behavior Problems article, authoritarian parents use CP with more frequency; permissive parents use it less frequently but more harshly. While in ethnic groups, CP has been found mainly in European children than in African American children because in the African-American communities spanking is more culturally accepted and viewed as an unique disciplinary technique used by parents. In this article, it studies the existence of…