Essay On Spanking In Children

Improved Essays
Spanking is one of the most controversial means of discipline. People are typically split into two distinct groups, people who support and people who are against. Some argue that it is a vital tool in teaching discipline and respect to young children. Others claim that it is violent and more harmful to the psyche of young kids.
Is spanking really important? Is it necessary to discipline your child or will only bring detrimental effects on their life?
Those in favour of spanking say it is an effective method of discipline and hasn't been shown to damage children in the long run. Those against it argue that spanking can cause children to become violent later in life and may increase the chances that they will experience anxiety
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In disciplining children, parents should do everything as kindly and gently as they can first. They should try to understand a child, make sure the child understands what is expected of them, use reasoning and find an adequate nonphysical consequence, like a "timeout" or taking away privileges. But if the child won't cooperate, some kids — at least some of the time — need something more forceful to back it up.
b) Establishes Respect
Many kids who grew up getting spank by their parents are more respectful to adults
c) Disciplinary Tool
When used correctly, spanking is safe and effective, and can be an appropriate tool for parents.

Closing/Call to Action:
In my conclusion, for me who has experience spanking, but not to the point where you abuse the children
Indeed, spanking children is one of the most controversial subjects for long years. Do you consider spanking children as an ethical behaviour? Is it a way to discipline children or to abuse them? Do you think that it is necessary in your efforts of disciplining your children? What is your

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