Should Children Be Allowed To Spank Children

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Standing Behind Spankings
Have you ever been out at a store or any public place and see a parent having a difficult time handling their child? The child is kicking and fighting while lying on the floor in order to have their way. Things like this happen all the time, putting the parent in a position of how they should discipline the child. The argument of should we spank our children or not has become more of an important topic in today society than ever before. There are even cases where the parents of the child don’t agree on the same form of discipline. The parents who do not spank their child have to deal with many problems at home, school, out in public, and also with authority. When kids get spankings they have respect for authority, other family members, school faculty, elders and everyone else in today's world. Yes, I believe spanking are crucial simply due to the fact it makes kids have more morals and values. In my opinion spanking the child isn’t always the first option but it defiantly should be considered.
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People criticize it so harshly because some think it is unhealthy for the child’s wellbeing. Even professionals think it has long term effects on the child. I agree that some people take things over board but there is a difference between spankings and beatings. The difference between the things at hand need to be known. Using spankings as a form of discipline shouldn’t be taken out of proportion and there should be limits. Spanking should be used to express only wanting the best for the child. All children don’t respond the same to every punishment tactic. Using other forms of discipline such as time outs, having consequences, or harder jobs around the house could also be good ideas to discipline the child. Spankings could be done after trying other options but disciplining a child is very

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