This is because spanking sends the wrong message to kids. It tells them that it's okay to hit, its okay to hit…
So to answer Duke 's question, we shouldn 't use spanking or any other kind of corporal punishment on children because they are learning from their experience and we shouldn 't teach them that violence is the appropriate way to get the things you want. We should instead model appropriate behavior and teach them through calm parenting methods what is acceptable social…
Gene, Thank you so much for your thoughtful responce to the story that I shared. In terms of my personal views towards spanking, after being exposed to so many different views I have decided that, one day when I have kids I won't be spanking my children at all. When I grew up I was spanked by my parents and I don't think that it had a negative effect on me or my views of my parents, but I do think it could be easy for it to be taken to far. As far as how I think that my view on this has effected my perception of God, it has not had a huge role, but looking forward to the kind of parent I want to be it plays a big role.…
The Pros and Cons of Child Abuse We live in an era where child abuse is used a lot amongst parents not only in the United States but also in the World. Child Abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional mistreatment or neglecting of a child or children. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also known as the CDC and the Department for Children and Families (DCF) describe child mistreatment as any act sequence of acts of commission by a parent or other guardian that results in injury, possible for injury, or threat of harm to a child. Child abuse can happen in a bunch of different settings.…
In contrast to what the world says, with the preceding understanding of course, there is a time to spank our children. The Bible is clear on this point. "He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly" (Prov. 13:24). It's a loving thing to spank our children in appropriate circumstances. If we don't, they're in danger of continuing down a path that becomes more dangerous over time and leads to destruction.…
There are different opinions based on this topic that causes an up roar in cultures and different regions of the U.S. I express my opinions throughout the paper solely on personal experiences as a child. Most parent prefer not to spank their children or kid because some think it could cause aggression within the child by demonstrating violent…
I agree, in my opinion spanking your child can be an effective way to administer punishment especially if the child is caught in the act of doing something wrong; but I think that if you were to spank the child a while after he or she has already done something wrong it would not be as effective as being caught in the act. As a child, I can remember when my parents would give me a spanking for something I did wrong and most of the time if they caught me in the act and punished me right then and there it stuck better in my head. For example, when I was around 9 years old my dad taught me how to hunt for doves every season we would hunt doves and shoot them.…
Attitudes about spanking is viewed from the functionalist perspective. The functionalist perspective is concerned with maintaining stability. Previous research on about spanking has shown the racial breakdown for attitudes about spanking. Flynn (1994) study found that African Americans agree with spanking more often than Whites. Bradley (1998) found that African Americans did not favor attitudes about spanking as often as whites.…
Opening/Attention: Spanking is one of the most controversial means of discipline. People are typically split into two distinct groups, people who support and people who are against. Some argue that it is a vital tool in teaching discipline and respect to young children. Others claim that it is violent and more harmful to the psyche of young kids.…
Parents have to be cautious when disciplining their children to avoid trouble. Unfortunately, there is not a set behavior that warrants a spanking. Some sources say that it is okay to spank because it aids in building a strong relationship of respect with the parent and child, and it results in well-mannered children and adults. Parents also say that it is normal to spank children and that it is just disciplinary actions (“The Spanking Debate” 1).…
There is a huge debate in today’s society about whether or not spanking is an acceptable form of punishment and discipline. I believe that spanking is a great way to discipline children, and I believe that there are many positive results of disciplining children by spanking them. Discipline should be very important to a parent. When trying to raise children, parents must teach their children the difference between wrong from right. When children do something right, they should be rewarded.…
I would never spank I believe that cussing or timeouts helps relieve a lot of stress which doesn’t cause you to spank your child. I am against child abuse. I believe that there is a thin line between child abuse and spanking. Finally, I believe that the spanking and the child abuse made me the person I am today because unfortunately, I have experienced child abuse but surpassed it and am totally against…
“Abusing a vulnerable child is always, and extremely, damaging and wrong.” Therefore, spanking is not the answer to disciplining the child. A child does not have a say to what the parent can or cannot do to them. A parent should seek other options other than spanking their child. Some parents believe that spanking is the fastest way to procure to their child, although the fact is they are just making their children scared of their parents.…
Parents have to realize that they will need to discipline their children for many years. A spanking needs to be part of that discipline. People must realize that as long as the child is spanked in the proper way, it is never child abuse. It is only discipline. Spanking allows children to be disciplined, teaches them to be obedient, and spanking is better than verbal counseling.…
I agree, because not everyone spanks their children for all the right reasons. Some parents go overboard and strike their child because they simply feel like it. In those cases, it leads to abuse and sadly, most times abuse leads to death. I recall watching the news one day and hearing about a five year old girl who was murdered by her own father, prepare yourself for this, because she was caught drawing on his Jordan’s. If her father would have never thought that striking his child was okay in the first place, then maybe this death could have been prevented.…