Spank Children Research Paper

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The topic of this paper is to determine whether spanking your children is good or bad. Spanking can be justified. One of the main reasons parents spank their children would be to instill proper behavior in a disciplined manner. It’s not to hurt the child but to teach them the appropriate way of being respectful towards authority. Which could make a huge impact on their lives when they become adults. There are different opinions based on this topic that causes an up roar in cultures and different regions of the U.S. I express my opinions throughout the paper solely on personal experiences as a child. Most parent prefer not to spank their children or kid because some think it could cause aggression within the child by demonstrating violent …show more content…
From my personal experiences with being spanked, it helped me and my brother obeyed the rules more. Also we were less likely to repeat the same behavior after being spanked. As a result to us being spanked me and my brother have never committed violent crimes or any other crimes. The arrest of Minnesota Vikings halfback Adrian Peterson, who was accused of abusing his 4 year old son while disciplining him with a switch in September. Has rekindled a long debate about physical punishment on children. Which is a huge disagreement among different races. Peterson commented saying he never intended to harm his son and was disciplining him in the same way he had been as a child growing up in East Texas (Lozano 2014). There is also a racial and region gaps on spanking your children. The article states that “various factors increase the likelihood, including geographic location (children in the South are spanked the most), family income (less money means more spanking), race (African-American mothers spank their children more than other ethnic groups) and religion. Parents more fundamentalist in their religious beliefs spank more than those who are less likely” (O’Callaghan,

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