Child Abuse In The United States

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Many children are being neglected and abused by irresponsible adults. “Hundreds of thousands of children in the United States are estimated to be victims of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse”(Gale). In each family children are raised differently,however, most of the time people raise their children based on the way they were raised. Moreover, many children were raised to fear their parents because their punishment is to be abused in some way. The problem with defending spanking is that many fail to define it and/or defending it. “Still others may feel that the possible outcome of reporting the matter—the separation of a child from his or her parents or guardians—is worse than the abuse that is occurring”(Gale). People who believe that the …show more content…
Children have the right to be safe anywhere. according to a research “every 42 seconds, a child is abused or neglected in the United States. According to the Children's Defense Fund, over 750,000 youth are annually reported as suspected victims of abuse or neglect and more than 800,000 children spend time in foster care each year”(Dominique). Based on this research the number of children in the united states who are left victims is very high, moreover, if a country is as high as the united states; in terms of providing many programs to help the welfare of a child , has failed to protect children and keep them safe and has an enormous amount of children who are getting abused, then imagine those kids who are in poor countries and how they go through tough times. No child deserve to be discriminated against. “Non-discrimination means that all children have the same right to develop their potential in all situations and at all times”( uniting voices for children). All children have the right to fully develop anywhere at any time under any …show more content…
Based on statistics children are being abused by mostly their parents. “In 2012, 686,000 children were deemed victims. In more than 80 percent of cases one or both parents were the perpetrators. Among the victimized children, 18 percent were physically abused, 9 percent were sexually abused, and 8.5 percent were psychologically maltreated”(Friedersdorf). Most of the children who are abused are getting abused from the closest people to them. parent(s) who are supposed to take care of their child or children are being irresponsible by abusing their children in many different ways whether putting them to labor another thing is that they physically and sexually abuse their children. If a child has a right in a country he or she should be protected more than adults because they are too inexperienced and weak to take care of themselves. therefore , if a parent is too immature to care of their children people need to acknowledge it and try to help instead of having those inaccurate thought such as a child will be much better with his or her parent(s) rather than being separated from his or her parent(s). Because their are people who are heartless enough to hurt their

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