School started and I was able to sound things out phonetically but my spelling and handwriting were ass
I later figured out that reading bigger books could help me become better with literacy so I jumped from Geronimo Stilton to Harry Potter
I got a literacy handbook in my English class in high school that I still keep with me to help me remember key concepts
I’m terrible at 3rd person writing and making things unbiased because I like having a voice 6th grade grand parent interview with a typed essay that was a big project. The interview was about their lives and what they learned to help better understand history.
Brainstorm: you could write about how you wrote about your road trip in 3rd grade.
Learning how to tell the differences between words
Struggling with spanish throughout life
Understanding how hard it is to learn a language when you tried French
Communicating with others through math
Reading and writing spanish
Cursive writing
Diving into deeper meanings of words. Reading between the lines
Frogger and mom, hungry caterpillar
[Ms. Megill don’t read past this point. I kinda just went on a rant and I’m not done yet. Thanks] Alexis Rocha Literacy Narrative Ms. Megill 4/27/16 Going Up Mom and Dad say they’re not living together anymore. …show more content…
When I ask Dad where he’s going he simply says “wherever the wind takes me.” I hate the answer but even now I don’t know how it could’ve gone better, Sometimes I think about what I would’ve said in that situation but I’ve never had the answer. I’m not leaving my kids. Of course, I didn’t know this at the time, but now I realize what saved me from the divorce of Mom and Dad. Literacy. I shoved my nose into books to numb myself and not think about what was actually going on. I didn’t watch much TV after Dad left because he said it was not good to watch a lot of it. I for some reason felt like I had to be better so I did everything I could do be better in school. It became so bad that I almost skipped a grade but sadly my father held me back from that too. Divorce forced me to mature at a young age. I’m the oldest yet I was the most goofy. So having to mature that fast really got to me subconsciously. I pushed myself and threw away those small, wimpy Geronimo Stilton books and took on the mighty Harry Potter series. I learned faster and took math books home with me to fill out and do in my free time. It came easy to me and I would always wish Dad would pick me up after school so I could tell him all the things I was doing in hopes that it would show him I was worth something and that he should be around me. He never really came and I would always walk home. I would think too much on the walk home from school and I was always by myself. The loneliness was daunting and I needed to keep myself busy so I learned how to walk and read at the same time. It was usually cold and rainy. It smelled fresh but it gives you that sadness mood. The mood that you get when you lose a loved one and all you can do is stare out the window at five am. Every time I smell that breeze now I think of that time but the plus side is that when I inhale the smell of books after I open them I don’t feel so lonely anymore. I feel like there’s something there. A story to keep me company when I was surrounded by people and still lonely. It’s what I did when we would go on road trips. Noah, Giovanni, and Giuliani would always fight and hit each other and then Mom would yell and hit them too. It was screaming and so loud yet the only way I was able to tune it out was by reading. I needed to read in order to keep my sanity. To escape the life I was living. Growing up poor makes you envious of your