I find very hard to come on with ideas even if its about a simple subject. I have to rethink and even ask my friends or family members for some ideas. When i find myself stuck in a idea I have to stop writing and take a break. By taking a break I feel like I have an opportunity to have a fresh mind when I get back to the writing. I also think its hard the drafting section. I find this part hard because there is times where I don’t know what I need to change to make the writing better. Usually after the first draft I get stuck and don’t know how what I have to change or add. Something that I do like is to get feedback from other people. Some people would argue that getting feedback from others is not too good but most of the time it works for me. The reason why I like others to read my writing is because it helps me catch some errors in my writing. What I find most confusing is once I have ideas, how to put them together. I always need help with the organization of my writing. I feel like without an organization is really easy for the reader to get lost. When it comes to getting everything organized and put together I like to ask an instructor about it and that is what usually works for
I find very hard to come on with ideas even if its about a simple subject. I have to rethink and even ask my friends or family members for some ideas. When i find myself stuck in a idea I have to stop writing and take a break. By taking a break I feel like I have an opportunity to have a fresh mind when I get back to the writing. I also think its hard the drafting section. I find this part hard because there is times where I don’t know what I need to change to make the writing better. Usually after the first draft I get stuck and don’t know how what I have to change or add. Something that I do like is to get feedback from other people. Some people would argue that getting feedback from others is not too good but most of the time it works for me. The reason why I like others to read my writing is because it helps me catch some errors in my writing. What I find most confusing is once I have ideas, how to put them together. I always need help with the organization of my writing. I feel like without an organization is really easy for the reader to get lost. When it comes to getting everything organized and put together I like to ask an instructor about it and that is what usually works for