My process of writing has been quite simple. I write in the same place with the same writing tools. It works for me and I wouldn’t do it any other way. I am constantly rereading my work and usually have someone check my paper after my 2nd draft. Even though I am well-situated with my writing process doesn’t mean there aren’t things that could be fixed for the best. Improvements that need to be made are my procrastination and writer’s block.
Whenever I write I am in my room with my MacBook on my bed. I go to my room to write because it’s cozy and where I do my best thinking. Things I need with me are my favorite blanket and a drink. This helps me relax when I am writing. Flower mentions “A good piece of writing closes the …show more content…
By doing this I can improve my paper and make corrections. It also brings ideas in my head and helps me with my writing. Roald Dahl claims that “By the time I’m nearing the end of a story, the first part will have been reread and altered and corrected at least 150 times….Good writing is essentially rewriting. I am positive of this.” (qtd. in Murray 196) No piece of writing is ever “finished”.
I usually have someone check my writing after my 2nd draft. That way I make my own corrections before someone looks over it. As Lamott best says “The first draft is the child’s draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later.” (190) I am very comfortable with others reading my work. I take pride in what I write. I do not work slowly. I’m a get it done kind of writer. It may not be my best work at first, but I make many changes. I am constantly making changes to my …show more content…
Such as procrastination and writer’s block. I often find myself waiting until the night before to complete a paper, and having trouble getting started with my writing pieces. I am busy dealing with work and three other classes this semester, and just like any other writer I often have a rough start to my paper. These are easy fixes and I plan on working on them to perfect my process of writing.
I must admit I am a guilty procrastinator. I hold off until the assignments are due rather than work ahead. I am a busy girl and have a lot going on. I am always finding myself torn between homework and work. But this is a no-brainer. Instead of waiting until the night before, I can work on my writing pieces two-three days before the due date. While I’m at work I can jot down ideas and write my rough draft. That way when I get home I am ready to type and already full of ideas. Genius.
Every now and then I will have trouble getting started with a paper. Many writers struggle with this and is not a problem. If I encounter writer’s block I will go take a break and do something else for awhile. That way I can clear my head and get back to writing without any problems. I will go read a book for about an hour or work on another homework assignment. When I get done I’ll be ready to