Teen Pregnancy And Abortion Essay

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I chose the topic to research what effect that pregnancy has on teenagers, their families and the people around them. Especially wanted to focus on the teenage girl and the decisions she has to make when she finds out she is pregnant. It is a huge responsibility to make the decision to have a child, to give your child up for adoption or to decide to abort your child; no matter the age. Teen parents are put into little stereotypes based on what people think they know about them, or what they have heard. I chose this topic because two of my sisters were teen parents, my other sister chose abortion and a lot of my friends got pregnant at a young age. I wanted to see what others viewpoints were on teen pregnancy and see if stereotyping has effect …show more content…
That you will never graduate high school, let along go to college that you and your baby’s father won’t stay together or that just because your mother, or siblings had babies at a young age that you will automatically follow in their footsteps. A young women named Gaby Rodriguez (The Pregnancy Project) showed the world that stereotyping is just that, a stereotype, it’s an idea of what people think you are, what you will be and how you will turn out. It has nothing to do with who you really are, it’s just this little box that people put you into to make everything in their life a little easier, so they don’t have to deal with you if you are an …show more content…
I want to have a career working with children and making their lives better. It doesn’t matter where they come from, how old their parent are or what they are doing to be in this situation. I hope that one day, abortion is illegal unless it is for a very good reason, because you are killing an innocent person, who is completely helpless. I absolutely hate bullying, and that is exactly what you’re doing when you stereotype a person. I hope people know that no one’s perfect, everyone makes mistakes, just don’t let those mistakes define who you are, and who you’re going to be. I want to make an impact on the world, in my life and in my career, you first just have to believe that everything will be okay, and work out exactly how it’s supposed to

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