Spaz differs from the rest of the society because is one of the few normals to cross latches and go into eden without getting canceled. He also has a disease called epilepsy. Which means he has seizures repeatedly over time and are episodes of disturbed brain activity. In this time period …show more content…
Most normals only believe that the present is what matters when Ryter only lives in the past and future. Ryter also believes that books which were once a part of the past, and now are not important, is the only way to preserve what is happening in his time period. He goes on his last adventure for the ending of his book he is writing. He agrees to cross between latches and break oh so many rules with Spaz just for his last adventure. Even though Ryter is just a very old gummy he has the strenght of a very young man and his intelligence is just as amazing as his strength. On his journey he fixes a problem in one of the latches he encounters. On his journey he also notices how each latch gets worse and worse the farther they go. He sacrifices his life to save his book and Spaz by saying “You’re the book now! You’re the last book in the universe! Make it a good one!” on page