In the beginning …show more content…
This "business of stabilizing the population" in the beginning of the novel gives us a little insight into how desensitized their society has become to the value of human life and individuality in a person. Additionally, the stabilization process that the world leaders find necessary involves brainwashing people and implanting an idea so deep that it becomes their personality. By introducing the readers to the
“brave new world” in such a way, he attempts to shock the readers into considering their own individuality and freedom, and he hints at his fear or concern of the government having too much influence over the population.
As the novel continues, it is revealed that the relationships between the people of the
World State are far from today’s definition of ordinary. In the novel, as we see children encouraged to participate in “erotic play”, we also see Huxley’s concern for the vastly changing
Alexandria Hellums
3rd period AP Eng Lit society of his time and what he expects to come as the teenage population grows