Coates And Baldwin Analysis

Superior Essays
Coates and Baldwin share similarity’s in comparing there life experience for the younger generations. In hope to educate young adolescents about their reality. Both authors try to relay their knowledge in hopes for change. The advice that Coates gives to his son is very similar to the advice that Baldwin gave to his nephew Baldwin has a perspective towards change, and what you can actually achieve in this world. He shows us how even if you are placed in a certain situation you can still do great things and you can lead others to do the same. Coates, speaks about how your body is a privilege and you need to protect yourself and anything you do while living in this world can change if your body stays in the world. He speaks of how Americans …show more content…
Coates shares his knowledge and prior experience about what the body means. “How do I live free in this black body” (Coates 12) Coates mentions the struggles of being free as African American. How growing up during a time that was not political correct lead to social violence to the people of color. How easy it is for your body to be stolen from you. “Not being violent enough could cost me my body. Being too violent could cost me my body” (Coates 28). Your body is a privilege; no one should have the right to take it away from you. Growing up he mentions in the neighborhood that Coates had grew up in people died everyday of unnatural causes. He mentions drive bys, guns fist, knives, crack, rape and disease. To protect himself he had to defend his own body every day, even something simple as crossing the street could take your body. Coates preaches about the body of colored people, He mentions a young man he went to college with names prince jones. Prince Jones was allegedly killed by a Prince County police offer who says that prince jones tried to run him over with a car. He speaks about how racial profiling and being a different color can get you into trouble in this world, idefinying the wrong person that’s how prince jones had died. The PG police offer was sent out to get a man who was five foot four while prince was six foot. The offers were sent out to follow prince, who was then shot several

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