The Case For Reparations By Ta-Neehisi Coates Analysis

Improved Essays
Well known essayist and writer, Ta-Nehisi Coates, wrote an essay, “The Case for Reparations,” that was published in The Atlantic, in 2014, in which the essay describes the hardships the black race has gone through and is still are going through. Coates’ purpose is to inform his readers of the struggle the black race has gone through each day and show why there is a need for reparations. He creates a compassionate tone to lead his readers to fully understand what it is like to grow up black in America. In “The Case for Reparation’s,” Coates uses a mixture of tone, diction, and historical imagery to create the readers to want to know and understand the struggle of being a black American. Coates begins his essay with a story. A story about …show more content…
This section moves the essay from its informative introduction and jumps right into the hot topic of the essay. Coates is able to do this through his diction. The diction throughout this section is harsh, brutal, and honest. Coates is not trying to hide anything from this part. He knows that his entire audience knows about slavery from the history books, so now he is trying to show his audience the more real version of what slavery was. Coates uses strong and big words throughout this section to do just …show more content…
One would assume that the end of the essay Coates would leave all the fluff out with his imagery and diction. This section, Coates goes into a description of the reparations the Jew needed from Germany after the Holocaust. The repressions Germany gave to Israel helped both financially along with psychological and politically. Coates brought choose his diction on this part of the essay very wisely, because he backs up his idea of the black race needing reparations. He made an analogy to his readers that after the terrible Holocaust the Jew’s received a reparation and it helped tremendously; so, the black American’s who have gone through many more years of terrible things need a reparation. This section, Coates also have a very straight forward type of tone. The audience can still relate to his passion but his tone is here being some facts and this is what needs to be

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