Although, he admits “even the most successful of us blacks are haunted by the plight of our less fortunate brethren who struggle for existence in what some social scientists call the ‘underclass’” (175). Basically, Bell believes regardless of an individual’s status or wealth, he or she will still be affected or reminded of the inequality suffered by African Americans. An important point Derrick made that stood out to me was that “whites fear blacks getting ahead of them and succeeding so they choose not to support blacks or engage in programs designed to benefit blacks” (176). In actuality, they’re failing to understand that helping blacks better themselves will better the economy as a whole. Another argument presented by Mr. Bell in the issue was discrimination. He drew attention to the fact a person can travel miles and miles around the United States
Although, he admits “even the most successful of us blacks are haunted by the plight of our less fortunate brethren who struggle for existence in what some social scientists call the ‘underclass’” (175). Basically, Bell believes regardless of an individual’s status or wealth, he or she will still be affected or reminded of the inequality suffered by African Americans. An important point Derrick made that stood out to me was that “whites fear blacks getting ahead of them and succeeding so they choose not to support blacks or engage in programs designed to benefit blacks” (176). In actuality, they’re failing to understand that helping blacks better themselves will better the economy as a whole. Another argument presented by Mr. Bell in the issue was discrimination. He drew attention to the fact a person can travel miles and miles around the United States